Vacation 21 months out vs 8 months out

What a difference (about) a year makes.

Last July, I still had some twinges after lots of walking around Myrtle Beach in flip flops and Sperrys. The most painful day ended with mini golf on a steep hillside course in those super flat Sperrys.

This year, back Maine and Acadia National Park. Vivid memories in my from 4 years ago, remembering how I carefully crept around on enormous granite boulders, wondering if the next step or hop was going to be what finally did my Achilles in. Pain halfway through the day, but I wasn’t letting that stop me.

This trip – awesome. Hopping from boulder to boulder, hiking up slippery granite trails. Flip flops, Sperrys, hiking boots, Merrell water shoes – didn’t matter. No pain, not even a twinge. This trip was exactly what I had in mind when I fantasized about having a strong Achilles. What I conjured up in my head when physical therapy got tough, when I iced my Achilles for the entire day afterward. Thanks again to my surgeon and my therapist. I feel like I have my life back.