2+ years out

I still get the occasional visitor and comment (thanks for that!) and it reminds me I should probably update.

Two Novembers ago, I went into surgery thinking that even if it only worked 50% as well as the surgeon assured me it would, it still had to be better than the way I was currently living.

So, two years out, where am I? Well, if not for this scar on my heel, I’d wonder if all the pain and limping and misery were all just a figment of my imagination. Seriously. It feels that good. It’s to the point now that I don’t stop every time I’m going up steps and marvel at the fact that I can do that without pain. Or hop out of the ambulance at work and wonder “Should I do that? Will it ruin the repair?” When I wear bad shoes now, I get plantar fasciitis just like every other middle aged overweight person in the world, not excruciating heel pain.  We walked around the amusement park the other night, taking in the holiday lights, and not once did I think about my foot. The whole first year for me was one of milestones. The first time I did this or that again. The first time I did something that would cause excruciating pain in the past that now didn’t. Year 2 has been about forgetting.

Make no mistake about it – the first six months are going to be painful. The first year, there will be times that it flares up and you’re going to wonder if you did the right thing. Ice. Rest. Stretch. Keep going. Around 18 months out, I stopped thinking about it daily. Two years out, it seems like it happened to someone else.

Six months, a year, two years. It seems like forever. Now it seems like forever ago.