Something of a setback?

I haven’t posted for awhile because I’ve been off living my life :)

I haven’t really had any setbacks… until now. We spent a really hard week at a friend’s house helping her get it ready for her to move in. This involved lots of climbing ladders, squatting, running up and down weirdly spaced basement steps, and hours upon hours of standing on a hard concrete basement floor (painting kitchen cabinet doors). Followed of course by moving her stuff from a 3 story townhouse. By the last day I had dug my heel wedges out and put them in my shoes.

I’ve had a lot of bottom of foot pain, which I expected – the type you get when you’re on your feet all day. However I also developed some burning and throbbing in the achilles (repaired side), probably about mid tendon, way superior to the repair and anchors. I know my calves and tendons are tight and have been stretching and making sure I wear shoes in the house, but it’s still there – albeit getting a little better every day.

I’m trying to walk a fine line between stretching to keep it all flexible and actually aggravating the pain more (which is what it feels like when I’m stretching). The good news, I guess, is that I’m not having the retrocalcaneal pain or sensitivity that preceded the development of the Haglund’s deformity and led to surgery. Been stretching, resting, using minimal ibuprofen when it gets bad. I guess I’m trying to figure out if this would be better treated with just everyday walking and the usual stuff I was doing in physical therapy, or if that would aggravate it more and I should just rest for a few days. Or call my surgeon. I guess I’ll give it a few days…


One thought on “Something of a setback?

  1. I have the same issue if I really over do it. Helped my sister move and was up and down stairs all day. Fitbit read 21000 steps when I got home and I could definitely tell. My scar burned. And I had a slight pain on the interior of my heel next to my scar. The next day it was fine though. I’m hoping overtime that issue will subside. It’s still to me better then the intense pain I used to have though from that dang spur!

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